January 15, 2025

Foreclosure: The Silent Killer

In general fundraising scenario a live auction raises at least 30% more money than a silent one.

There is no inherent magic in it but normal human unique silent auction basket ideas tendency to “get on with something” and the professional touch in identifying your worthwhile “cause” that brings forward this huge difference.

Around the country we can see a lot of schools and other non profit organizations are arranging this or that event like bake sales, car washes, candle sales etc. now and then to raise fund. But auction specialist David Lind suggests that, a single live auction fundraiser per year can pull more funds then these round the year collection hazards, if it is properly and professionally planned at least three to four months prior to the event date.

For most of the non-profit organization, fundraising is a regular exercise. But some of them till date depend on silent nonprofit fundraising auctions, whereas, they could easily pull a lot more in a live auction apart from adding to its public image.

Public awareness is one of the most important issues that need to be taken care of while organizing a fund raising event, said David Lind. Most people undermine this issue and as a result fail to sustain and uphold the organization for long. David Lind added that unless and until people are made aware and given a clear indication of your goal and mission, they are not going to support you for long.

He thinks that a firsthand experience regarding the positive impact that your group makes on the community only boosts up public moral for contribution.

However, one cannot ignore the fun elements associated with a live auction that eventually adds life to the whole process. In fact, the success of a live auction depends on the auctioneer to a high extent, says Mathew, another expert in the same field, “It is all about proper and point-blank communication with the audience.”

In case of a volunteer auctioneer, the communication runs the risks of remaining a one-way process. Only a professional in the field can locate and restore the moment when he or she had almost lost the audience.

These days one can easily find a professional auctioneer claiming expertise in a specific field like car or real estate auction or something else. This is really a good practice to a high extent as they can easily identify the social background and behavioral pattern of the attendance, added Mathew. However a professionally licensed auctioneer is always a best choice.